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Date: 1999-02-01

Ticket-Crack: Schon wieder China

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Mitunter sind die Methoden, durch Cracks zu Geld zu
kommen durchaus umständlich. In China haben es
mindestens 51 Personen so probiert: billige Zugfahrkarten
wurden angekauft & elektronisch zu teuren Expresstickets
mutiert, um dann im illegalen Einzelhandel weiterkauft zu

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SHANGHAI, China (AP) - Fifty-one people have been
arrested on charges of hacking into a Chinese railway's
computer system, a newspaper said Friday.

Reports of such high-tech crimes are spreading as computer
and Internet use expand in China. The scheme involved
buying cheap tickets and reselling them after breaking into
the reservation computer to upgrade them to more expensive
express trains, the Shanghai Express said.

Suspects include employees of high-tech companies in
Guangdong province near Hong Kong, the newspaper said. It
didn't name any of them.

The scheme began in June and affected more than 8,000
tickets worth $54,000 before it was uncovered in December,
the newspaper said.

In another high-tech crime, two brothers were sentenced to
death in December on charges of robbing a bank in the
central city of Zhenjiang by having its computer transfer
$31,000 to their accounts.

Source Associated Press
relayed by via
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published on: 1999-02-01
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