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Date: 1999-09-21

Hack/test live: NT/IIS gegen Linux/Apache

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Zur gefälligen Wahl beim Hacktest von PC Week stehen NT
plus Microsofts Internet Information Server und Red Hat Linux
6.0 mit Apache.
Wer dicke Files nicht scheut, kann dem Axent Intrusion
detector in Echtzeit beim Mitloggen der Hacks zuschauen

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How do you test security? Install similar applications on two
operating systems and invite the world to come in. Departing
from static testing these server are running a real world
application, based on a classified ad system for a
newspaper. This will test not only the operating system but
the entire implementation. For NT this includes ASP, IIS and
MTS, and SQLServer 7, while Linux will use Apache and

IIS on NT VS Apache on Linux. Which combination is more
secure? Read the backgrounder on the test.

View the Axent NetProwler intrusion detection Logs, in real-

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In a major test of the security of Linux and Windows NT, PC
Week Labs today threw down the gauntlet to Internet
hackers, challenging them to break into a Web site,, to try to crack each or both of
the operating systems. The site goes live today for a one-
month trial.

The site contains near-identical systems, one running
Windows NT with Internet Information Server (IIS) and the
other running Red Hat Linux 6.0 with Apache as its web
server. PC Week Labs created similar classified-ads engine
applications running on each system. The challenge is to
break into the site, mark up the home page and steal user
information from the classified-ads engine.

"Security is extremely important in the Internet environment
and both Microsoft and the Linux community, via Red Hat,
boast that their operating systems are secure," noted PC
Week Labs Director John Taschek.

PC Week Labs will track the number of attempts for each
operating system and report the results in an upcoming issue
of PC Week. Additionally, PC Week will issue a prize to
whomever hacks into the site first. The challenge terminates
when the first hacker accomplishes any of the test
challenges. Winners will receive computer-equipment gift
certificates of up to $1,000.

"Corporations, financial institutions and government agencies
are susceptible from attack via the Internet," Taschek said.
He cited figures from a 1999 survey conducted by the
Computer Security Institute and the FBI indicating that
organizations reporting their Internet connection as a frequent
point of attack rose for the third consecutive year to 57
percent in 1999 from 37 percent in 1996. Financial losses
due to computer security breaches were reported as
exceeding $100 million this year.

full story\&aid=4195
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published on: 1999-09-21
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